Thursday 8 December 2011


It's Friday, and seriously, I have nothing planned for the day.
I have to go to the bank... might post a couple of parcels.... but that's about it.

I made a good start on organising my photo files again.... instead of putting everything into 'months' as I had done, Lynise (friend) suggested  events/trips/people etc, and it is a much better idea!  So, I will continue working on that too.

AND I even might get around to checking out some blogs/updates too!
I am kinda scared to open 'Google Reader'!
Goodness knows how many updates I have missed!  

Same shit/different day really!

ABOVE:  I made this Christmas card yesterday... it's going to Stew's MOTHER in the South Island (New Zealand is divided into two main islands, North and South).  Stew and I found his 'Birth Mother' about 20 years ago now, and after an initial flurry of meetings/phone calls etc, contact has all but dried up between him and his 'birth family'.

We were watching a programme on the TV a couple of nights ago called 'Missing Pieces' ... it's about people being re-united with missing family.  Often 'birth' parents... this programme kinda upsets Stew as he has lived through finding his birth family.  It is hard seeing other people going through the same things he did, knowing that sometimes it really doesn't end that great.
Sure, we found his 'birth' family, and met them ... but it has not lead to anything.  Just knowledge, and another empty feeling.

So anyway... I'm sending the Mother a nice Christmas Card and a letter updating her on how our family is doing.  Fingers crossed we hear back from her.
Stew has a full sister and a half brother and sister on his birth mother's side... who we have met.
Also, he has 3 brothers and a sister from his birth father's side... who we have met but they did not know who Stew was (their half brother)... that was hard.  But, his birth mother did not want them to know who Stew was.

Now I bitterly regret not telling them as it might have lead to a good relationship, as with hindsight we sure in hell don't have any sort of relationship with his birth mother's side of the family.

I found something to do.  Grocery shopping, which was the pitts as per usual.
By the time I had it all in the house I was dripping with sweat!  Ikkkk.

Sushi for lunch... going to sit down and enjoy it.
Got lots of housework done this afternoon... and spent a lot of time cleaning up after Coco.  She is driving me nuts, bringing into the house all sorts of vegetation to chew up all over the place.
AND YES, she does have lots of chew toys!

Dinner was lovely, I made a pasta, cabonara and cheese krasky's dish.  Hopefully there is enough for lunch tomorrow!


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