Tuesday 31 July 2012


Right... here's some photos Lacy took of me and Keera last night... and there's some rare ones ...

ABOVE:  Keera was asleep when I arrived, she was only half fed.... so I'm pretty good at waking babies!  She was not impressed though!

ABOVE:  wakey wakey Miss Muppet.... and .... this is the first rare photo... I'M SMILING!!!!

ABOVE:  Baby still not impressed, me still SMILING!

ABOVE:  I love this photo.. me so happy and Keera gazing at me intently...

ABOVE: hard to not put heaps of photos up when I've still got a smile on me dial..... 

ABOVE:  this one?   Well I look like a twit, but the baby is adorable!


Today:  I've got Hospice Shop today.... and that is all for now!
Catch ya when I get home again...


Bit of drama down the road today!  A major power cable exploded and burnt, cutting power to thousands of homes, ours included... we had power going on and off this morning.  And all the trains had to stop for hours, and parts of Manurewa were blocked off...  lots of people had to find alternative ways to get to work.  Luckily I still got to the Hospice shop!  
NOT that I was going to buy anything... as I only have $5 left till next week.

Hee heee.... didn't stop me though, cos I just 'borrowed' some off Stew!

ABOVE:  I couldn't resist this large cushion, it's so soft !

 ABOVE:  This cane seat is gorgeous, I just had to have it!  It's got a home somewhere in me house!

ABOVE:  how handy is that?  It's got places for magazines on both sides and a big pull out drawer.  Love it!

Mrs Smellypants behaved... no farts and NO racist or derogative comments to any customers... she must have found that so hard!  She used to have a right gob on her before she got asked to leave.  I don't like working with her at all now.  But... it is good to know that if she says or does anything 'wrong' again we can go directly to the big 'bosses' at the Hospice and they can deal with her.

I forgot to meniton, that cane seat thingee cost STEW $30.00  Not bad eh?

I've got chicken thighs baking in the oven, we are having them on rice... yum.

BLOODY KIDS!!!  Having to deal with some bullying going on between (mainly) Griffin and a group of boys at his school.  Seems they pick on him, kick him, and so on,  then run off, all the while calling him nasty names. 

 Griffin being a 'gentle giant' of a boy does not strike back... so he is just picked on even more.  Not too sure on the accuracy of his account of today's incident, but I've just sent a very long email off to his teacher.  Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this.... cos it makes Stew and I so mad to see our boy crying cos other kids are being mean to him.

Sounds like Brylee and a few other kids are involved too, but they are not the ones hurting Griffin thank goodness.

You look at a newborn, so sweet and innocent... then they bloody morph into little monsters.  Well some do for sure!  WHY can't they stay so small and cute???? 

End of Day:  a lovely day on a whole.
nite nite
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Monday 30 July 2012


So... today will go something like this:

Go to school and pay for Griffin's school camp.
Go to Post office and pay for Dog Registration.
Post parcel to Australia and Card to USA.

Go to hairdressers and get colour done again... and DECIDE if I want to keep my fringe or grow it out?

I just can't make up my mind about my hair.

While I'm at the hairdressers Bex is going to visit with Lacy again...then later on this afternoon she is going back to Hamilton for work tomorrow.

So that's about it for now...except I will show you the card I made for a dear friend in the USA:

 ABOVE:  the front.... it's my version of a Sympathy Card.

ABOVE: From this view you can kinda see the little crystals I put on it.


MOM TAXI JULIE:  In New Zealand it is illegal to leave a child under the age of 14 alone at home. That is why I can't leave them here on their own.

It feels so good to have paid me bills, posted a parcel over to Aussy and am about to get me hair done... which will leave me with oooooh ... about $5 till next week!  
Thank God Stew is paid this week.... I can always  beg, steal or borrow off him!   His money is MY money after all!  ha ha ha.

I was wrong!  I've got $5 left.... yaaaa!  lol

Right, I went with the fringe again... and I'm going back to the salon in 3 weeks for a fringe trim ... for only $5.  SCORE.

I'm happy with me haircut/colour, it always makes ya feel good eh?

I'm off to Manukau shortly to pick up a new charger for Lacy's computer... then home again to prepare dinner... beef stew.

 ABOVE: my dogs could lie down anywhere... beds, chairs, any part of the couch.... but this is where they choose!

ABOVE: right here, on this particular cushion.  Both of them.  On ONE cushion.  How bloody cute is that!  Awwww.  I love these two!


So today has gone quite well really.  Even got to cluck over wee Keera for a while tonight when I took Lacy her new computer cable.  She can get online again now, which will make her happy.

End of day:  on a whole, a good day.  Tomorrow I am going to post some rather 'rare' photos.
nite nite.
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Sunday 29 July 2012


At some point this morning Bex is arriving for a couple of days... and as she is all recovered from the 'flu we can go and visit Miss Muppet and Lacy.

I will take the Wall Hanging over too... I am sure Lacy is going to love it!

And here it is:

ABOVE: the flowers are yo-yos... with a button in the middle of each flower.  I really love this wall hanging, it's so cute.

I started work on another baby quilt last night ...  this one will be for Steve and Bex.... as their baby is the next one due, 1st of January 2013, unless he/she arrives early!  We will find out in just a couple more weeks if  'BABY FOE'  is a girl or boy.
Very exciting for our first time parents.

Here is the latest photo I have nicked off Facebook of our newest grandson and his toddler sister Sienna:

ABOVE:  Sienna just ADORES her baby brother!  Isn't she just gorgeous!  And Bodhi .... well he's just precious... I can't wait for the day I can hold them and smother them is kisses.

I'm very proud of myself too... as much as my too long fringe has driven me demented all weekend, I have NOT taken to it with the scissors!!!  I go to the hairdresser tomorrow (thanks to Steve)... he's lent me the money ... I can pay him back next week.  Freaking bills, why do they all have to arrive in the same bloody week?

I'm going to do some blog reading today too...  Cos I am getting behind AGAIN!


S0 far... it's been a busy morning.

Have I done any sewing?  NO
Have I read any blogs?      NO

Have I vacuumed  the house?           Yes
Have I tidied up all the bedrooms?   Yes
Have I washed the floors?                 Yes
Have I done the washing?                  Yes

Have I done me back in for the rest of the day?  HELL YES!

I havn't even finished putting the furniture back where it belongs yet either!

Bex and I went over to Lacy's for lunch... took some food with us... and I took my camera and took ZERO photos!  Bex enjoyed having cuddles with Miss Muppet.
Bex visited her midwife today too... all is great with Baby Foe....  her 20 week scan will be in just over two weeks... hopefully I can go to that one, as I couldn't go to her 12 week scan.

Don't think I can make it to Amanda's 12 week scan either... I've no babysitter for tomorrow afternoon, and no way am I taking Brylee and Griffin.

I wanted to make beef rissoles for dinner.... got home from Lacy's and damn ... no mince.
So I wondered... hmmm... could I make me own chicken mince?
I got out and defrosted some chicken breasts, chopped them up roughly and then put them in the food processor... and yaaa.. chicken mince!

So, I'm now making chicken rissoles.  I'll report back later on how well it worked.

End of Day:  well me rissoles went down really well!  We had them with salad on toasted chunky break... like open burgers.
They were super yum.
nite nite.

TRACY:  re your question:  Amanda's scan is tomorrow night, and Bex will have already gone back to Hamilton by then.
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Saturday 28 July 2012


I mentioned last night that I'd done a bit of altering work on the Baby Boy Quilt that I'd finished a few weeks ago.... so here's the before and after's:

ABOVE:  the baby boy quilt... but no matter what anyone said, I just didn't feel right about it... it was too 'pretty' in my mind for a boy... so I did this to it:

ABOVE:  can you tell what I did?  I put little blue hearts in the centre of each large heart... so now I'm much happier with it.  It's for wee Bodhi, our newest grandson.

ABOVE: this is for Sienna... better late than never eh?  It's gorgeous, I'm so happy with it.

And now.... here's proof that me hubby can and does do EVERYTHING!...

 ABOVE:  Keera is still such an itty bitty baby... 15 days old...

ABOVE: having her nappy changed by Granddad. How cute.  *smiles*

Today:  WELL.... after glorious sunshine yesterday, today we are supposed to be pounded with torrential rain and wind!  Bring it on ... it's not like I want to get outside and weed the gardens or anything!  lol

In fact, I can now start another baby quilt!  Something totally different this time....


I have been busy!!!
I didn't start another baby quilt afterall... I decided to work on one of the Wallhangings.... the pink Rhino to be precise.
I have done it all except the hand stitching on the back... so that's what I'm doing tonight.

THEN tomorrow I will get caught up with blog reading before I embark on me next project.

Stew has been a right darling and has provided lunch and shortly, dinner... so I've been able to sew to me heart's content.
BLISS.  I can never be down when I'm sewing, I love it so much.  
Weird ... cos years ago I hated sewing with a passion!!!

I'm NOT going to show you the wallhanging until tomorrow... I gotta have SOMETHING for tomorrows post afterall... lol.

End of Day: it's easy to forget time when you are sewing!  Everyone is in bed, except me.... and the only reason I've come upstairs is cos I'm busting for a piddle!
Oh well... I suppose I will call it a night ... tomorrow will be soon enough here.
nite nite.... tis wet and wild outside!  
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Friday 27 July 2012


Apparently Bio Oil has Mineral Oil in it.  Mineral Oil is a petroleum derivative apparently.

so... lots of parents use Johnson's Baby Oil or Lotion.  
Which have as their base?  MINERAL OIL... a petroleum derivative. Hmmmm..... who knew?

I did.  Just because it has the word 'BABY' on it does not mean it is best for baby!

I asked Lacy's Midwife if Bio Oil was OK to put on Keera's feet.  She said YES.
So... we will go with Bio Oil.  THANKS for your input ANON from last night.  I feel Bio Oil is a lesser evil than 'Baby Oil'.  And that is just my PERSONAL CHOICE.

Today: dunno.
I'd love to do some more sewing.
And post a parcel to the family in Aussy.
And get some housework done.

All normal stuff really, nothing riveting happening this weekend I think.

I might pick up Lacy at some point and see if we can find a new charger for her computer too.


I put their travel cases in the laundry for them to sleep in, and to stop them scratching at the door in the mornings and waking us up.  Teddy was the worst at doing that.  He drove me nuts doing it.

Anyway, this morning all I could hear was the dog door flap opening and closing LOUDLY over and over again!
And I got up and sneaked a peek at what the dogs were doing from Brylee's bedroom window.

Would you believe it?  They were BOTH pushing the dog door flap open then standing back and letting it close before pushing it open again... all the while looking at the laundry door to see if anyone was coming to let them in the house!

Those little shits!  Deliberately making that noise so we would get up!!!   

NOW I have to think of another way to stop them making noise in the morning.  Grrrrrr.  
I REFUSE to let them force me to let them in before I AM READY.

Any ideas???

As I was feeling a bit off this morning, I took myself off to bed again.  And slept till 1pm!
After I was up we went to lunch at Masala in Mission Bay, which was just lovely.
Then on our way home we picked up Lacy and Miss Muppet ... they are here for dinner.

Yaaa!  I've done some sewing... I'm onto the 2nd to last step of a pink baby quilt... this one will be for Sienna.  I've already got Bodhi's one ready to go over to Aussy.

Roast beef for dinner... it's smelling so nice!

BEE:  don't worry about typo's mate, I am NOT a grammatical nazi!  I spell tomatoe and potoatoe with an 'e' ... and apparently the 'e' is not supposed to be there...like I give a shit!

I am thrilled to bits with myself!  I had made a baby quilt for Bodhi, but I was NOT happy with it... it was too 'cute and pinkish' for a boy (in my humble opinion) so I added some little blue hearts to the middles and whaaa laaaa.... It looks so much better!
I will post a photo tomorrow, right now it's too dark to get a decent photo.

I also managed to finish quilting the pink baby quilt and sew the binding on... now I've just got to hand sew the back of the binding and it's done!

Then I can post them both off to me baby grandkids in Aussy.

END OF DAY:  it's been a good day, even if I did sleep for half of it!
It was lovely to have Lacy and Keera here for dinner too... Granddad even got to change a nappy!
He's a dab hand at that.
nite nite
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Thursday 26 July 2012


Miss Muppet's skin is so dry!
She was only overdue by a couple of days, but one thing is for sure, she was 'well baked'!

 ABOVE: her poor wee feet are peeling and cracked in places... we keep putting Bio oil on her!  She's dry in quite a few places, feet, hands, tummy.... luckily only her feet are cracked.

ABOVE: such a cute wee foot.  Hopefully she doesn't have feet like Lacy and Brylee... really long and narrow.  Feet like that are hard to get shoes for,  let me tell you! 
It's a nightmare trying to find shoes for Brylee that's for sure.

ABOVE:  She's such a bright eyed wee girl.  Love her to bits.

Today:  well I'm going to pick Lacy up and the two of us are going for a lovely walk in the Botanic Gardens.
We might even indulge in morning tea at the Cafe' there too... that would be nice.

After that, probably come home and so some housework... or sewing.... or something!


Change of plans... Lacy now wants to go to a mall as she needs a new battery for her laptop.  She's not had a working computer for weeks, so it will be good if we can find a battery for her.
And there's lots of shops in the mall!  lol

ABOVE: Lacy with Keera at Sylvia Park.... we didn't stay long as Keera was unsettled and Lacy couldn't find a battery charger for her laptop... which was a bit of a bugger.
I'm sure we will track one down eventually.

Lacy and babe are at their home and I'm at mine... ready to have some lunch then do some housework.  Yaaaa.. NOT.

MEGA FRUSTRATED.  Just spent almost 2 hours on the phone trying to track down a new power cord/adaptor for Lacy's computer.  Talk about the most frustrating execise ever.  I THINK I've found a place here that has one.  Will go there tomorrow and see if it is indeed the right one.

NO Blondie, I ain't done a bloody thing!  Too busy on the freakin phone.  Grrrrr.

BEE: I did look online thanks Bee... and I rang many different places too... and prices range from about $24.95 to $199 !  I just don't get it!  And it made me so mad.

In fact I'm in a totally foul mood.  Nothing is going right.  And my fringe is too long and it's driving me crazy!

If I don't get some scissors and hack it off it will be a miracle.

I'm SUPPOSED to go to the hairdressers on Tuesday... but I don't think I can go.  Finances are too tight right now.

END OF DAY: a nice morning, followed by a shit afternoon.  I hope the evening is better!
nite nite.
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Wednesday 25 July 2012


That's me for this morning... off to see the 'Depression Doctor'....... which is a bit funny cos right now I'm feeling just fine!
The thing is though... I'm well aware that I have up's and down's all the time, and I NEED to learn how to cope better when it's a 'down' time.
Cos I'm sick of the swinging moods.

I think I have already learnt some good things though... which is good.

I joined Pinterest a while ago... and have tried not to go there too often as it is soooo addictive!
So many ideas, things to dream about, so much STUFF I want to make! Or buy!  So many ideas, so little time.

Here's just a few of my favourite pictures:

 ABOVE:  amazing hairstyle!  

 ABOVE:  I want... for me and Stew.

 ABOVE:  ANYONE know where I can get some???  ADORE THEM.... so much!!!

ABOVE:  would be handy to have this sign!  Though I must admit, virtually everything I dish up is eaten with gusto around here!  lol

Right, I better get moving... all the usual stuff to get done before I go see the Doctor.


I had the WORST night in a long time.
My lower back is KILLING ME.
Coco went in and out of the dog door every 5 minutes ALL NIGHT LONG.  I want to kill her.
I got acid reflux and had to semi sit up all night... got bugger all sleep... what with the dog, the back, the acid reflux... I got up wanting to kill not just the dog... but everyone!

so... I asked Griffin to vacum the lounge before he went to school... 

he needed to empty it first.
He tried opening the sliding door without  pulling the bolt out... and nearly broke the freaking door... then he mucked around with the vacum and broke it!  
He got thrown out the front door off to school!

I'm so crabby right now... grrrrr!!!

And I've got about 15 minutes to get showered/dressed/face on and go to the Dr's.  Yep, that's gunna happen!

DEBBIE:  no,  not on my hand, but somewhere!

The Dr's visit went OK... she came to this conclusion today:
Because I have been depressed for so long I don't know how to be happy.
And while I'm not suicidal (much anyway) and I don't indulge in 'self harm' like hurting myself physically, I DO SELF HARM BY OVEREATING.... cos deep down I don't seem to care about myself anymore? Maybe I feel I don't deserve to put myself first before everyone else?

She's got a point I suppose.  I feel a failure with the diet/exercise ... and family issues... and just don't care anymore.  Or I care too much?  And use food to punish myself?  
FUCK it's all a bit too 'deep' for me to get my head around it right now.
I'm so tired.

Tracy... think I will do what you said and have a 'nana nap'... Lacy is coming around this afternoon (when I pick her up) and we are going for a little walk ... gunna get Miss Muppet out in the fresh air.

I feel like crap... did have about 30 minutes of shut eye this afternoon... but it actually made me feel worse.
Lacy and Miss Muppet are here for dinner... we are not going walking now as I feel ikkkk.  NO ENERGY at all.

Miss Muppet got her nickname from Lacy, she called her 'Muppet' during her pregnancy and I just added the 'Miss'.

MRS C.  ... I'm good at hiding 'it' eh  ... *smiles*

**** MAC IS ON HIS WAY!!!!  Coco and Mac will make babies tonight... how exciting. ****

Mac and Coco had a lovely time... and now we wait to see if we have puppies on the way... and how many!
Exciting stuff... lol !

End of Day:  another day with up's and down's... but on a whole a good day.
nite nite
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Tuesday 24 July 2012


Last night when we visited Lacy, I of course took me camera.
Lacy now refers to me as 'The Paparazzi'... which is rather fitting I think!
Anyway, here's some photos from last night:

ABOVE: Miss Muppet giving some serious thought to her sleeping conditions.  Lacy has been keeping her a bit too hot.  She is overly protective and worries constantly about baby getting cold.  

ABOVE:  My Darling Stew is one of the very few men I know who is always ga-ga over babies, and he utterly dotes on his grandbabies.

ABOVE: how adorable is this???  Keera is so alert now!

ABOVE:  Lacy and Keera, such a happy twosome.

Today I am working at the Hospice Shop, here's hoping it's nice and busy.


Hospice today was rather quiet, which was just as well as there was only me and the boss on today.  Everyone else was on an 'Orientation Course' held by Hospice.
I was supposed to go too, but that would have left Debs the boss on her own.  That would not have been good.

I can't use my laptop right now ... the blasted thing just refused to connect to the internet!  I'll have to wait for Steve to come home.  I'm going to be lost if/when he leaves home!  I am hopeless at fixing problems with the darn computers!

One more bit of news about Hospice:  MRS SMELLY PANTS  is coming back next week.  DAMMIT.

So it's been a quiet afternoon so far.   Once the kids got home from school we took Bex out to the airport, as she was meeting up with a friend from Invercargill for a coffee before said friend flew off to London for her big OE.

Then home to do bugger all until I have to do dinner.  Well... I might just do a bit more quilting of baby quilts... as I want to send two off to Russell and Tess for Sienna and Bodhi.

Once I've got them done I can make a start on one for Steve and Bex!  Then one for Amanda's next baby too.

We are having quite a 'run' of babies!

ABOVE:  these I got from Hospice today...    a top for Lacy, some baby clothes, a lovely jumper for Haylea and 6 rolls of till paper!  The paper will be perfect for notes, kids drawing etc.  All that for $10.00.  You just can't lose with Hospice shopping.  LOVE IT.

End of Day:  It's been a lovely day, which is great eh?
nite nite
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Monday 23 July 2012


I was going to make the title of this post "Steve is a Dick".... but I'm quite sure I've used it before!

So... the dogs are staying in a dog crate inside while Coco is in season... and they are missing their cuddles and loves.
Steve solved that little 'problem' ... :

ABOVE: Yes, you are seeing right, he got in the crate with them...

ABOVE:  it was easier getting IN as opposed to getting OUT!  The dogs enjoyed it, but I bet they were thinking "What A DICK" !  ha ha ha.

ABOVE:  Griffin is keen on cooking, so he helped me prepare dinner last night.

ABOVE:  Miss Muppet (Keera) sleeping.  Photo taken at 11 Days old.  So very precious.

ABOVE:  kisses from her Mummy.

ABOVE:  wonder how long it will take for her to get utterly sick of being kissed???  Hopefully... NEVER.

Today:  Bex and I will go out and about... cos we can... then I am babysitting Keera at Lacy's house while Lacy attends a WINZ appointment to sort out her benefit entitlements.

Bex cannot come near Keera on this visit as she is recovering from the 'flu.... so she will just have to stay home!


Right.... went out and bought a bag with Justin Beiber on it for young Haylea over in Aussy... can't send stuff for the two littlies and not her afterall!
Then Bex and I popped into the hospice shop and I got a couple of things...

ABOVE:  love shopping!  lol

Now... off to Lacy's to babysit wee Keera.... while Bex stays home and has a sleep, she's got a cracker of a cold.

Oh and just spent a good 20 minutes on the phone with the mother from yesterday (who's son was being so awful)... poor woman is beside herself.  She doesn't know which way to turn cos her son is being so BAD right now.  All I could do was let her talk and try to offer some advice... HA!  It's good to give her some insight into teenagers and their behaviour.  BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!

Awww, just spent an hour with me special wee granddaughter Keera.  She's such a darling wee baby, melts me heart just looking at her.
Lacy has got her benefit sorted out, so all good there.
Now... I'm home again and yaaa, dinner is sorted too.
I've got a lovely bacon hock and green split pea soup cooking in the crock pot.   YUMMMM.

My soup went down a treat... I put small cubes of tasty cheese in the bowls too... for an added kick.  Everyone loved it.  Stew and I went over to Lacy's after dinner and gave her some soup too... and Stew put out her rubbish bags for collection tomorrow.

End of day:  it's been a nice day... more nice days than horrid ones ... I'm liking that.
nite nite.
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