Tuesday 27 March 2012


BUT... it's not a whizz bang fancy smancy iPhone... or anything like that.
It's just a 'normal' modest one ... cos at the end of the day that is all I need.
I would have loved to get an iPhone... but what would be the point? 
I don't access the internet with me phone, I have no need to.

ABOVE: So.... I got a Nokia 300.  It still has the capability of accessing the 'net if I want to, and I even have internet 'time' on my Telecom Plan. But I probably won't use it.
Oh and yeah... it does have a touch screen, so I'm using a 'semi-fancy' phone!  lol

One thing I did get was double the free talk time  I used to have.  Hmmmm... must remember to actually USE the free talk time.  90% of the time I forget and only ever use me mobile for text's.

ABOVE:  I took this photo with the new phone's camera, it's not excellent, but way better than me old one.

TODAY:  off to Hospice Shop for me stint behind the counter.  And to find treasure.  We loves treasure!  lol

ABOVE: son Russell sent me this photo late last night.  Cute, sorta!  I'm positive Sienna was only playing with the can.  *smiles*... Sienna is WALKING a few steps now! She is only 10 months old... talk about doing well.


Hospice was rather busy again today.  I never felt less like being there today too.. I'm really tired after all the re-arranging in the house the past two days.

 ABOVE:  today's treasure:  two brand new, hand made blankets, a Tupperware lunchbox, wooden toy?massager thingee and some tights for Brylee.

ABOVE:  and this awesome, freaking totally cook glass jar!  I loves it.  I have no earthly USE for it... but I loves it!

ANNE: mate... 90% of my purchases are for my kids or Grandkids!  The blankets are for future babies... the jar... well that is mine!  Maybe!  I may yet fill it with something cute and use it as a gift?  Ya never know.

End of Day:  another busy day... which is good cos it means a good night's sleep!
ON TRACK: yes.  And just who is pac.bn?
nite nite.


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