Sunday 25 December 2011


ABOVE:  I can think of nothing worse than braving the crowds today to scoop some bargins in the Boxing Day Sales.  
BUT, the kids were given a very generous cash gift from my Mother!  So I am going to do some delegating.... and Stew can take them shopping.

I will stay home and have a nap... do lots of housework while they are out!

Well... that's how I'm feeling RIGHT NOW.  It could change.  Passing up on some shopping is not really ME.  So, we will see a bit later on this morning how I feel.
Right now... I'm still tired.  Didn't want to get outta bed this morning, that's for sure.

For everyone in the Northern Hemisphere... MERRY CHRISTMAS!  lol
You're all a bit behind us Kiwis... *smiles*


ABOVE:  bathed for fleas.  Only ONE grown up flea was found, and a few teeny tiny ones.  They sure annoyed the dogs though.
Both dogs are getting groomed on Friday, so I am not putting the topical flea treatment (Advantage) on them till after that.

Obviously, both dogs HATE being bathed!  Such ugly little buggers when wet.  Can you tell them apart?  

Stew and the kids have gone shopping.  I did indeed stay home after all.  I just couldn't face the crowds.  And I didn't want to get charged with 'assault with a handbag' either!  lol
My temper is severely frayed after being in the mall so often lately.


Stew and the kids arrived home after about 2 hours.  Stew said it was the worst traffic and crowds he had ever seen, cars parked ON the roundabouts, down every side road, on the footpaths etc!  I'm so glad I didn't go! 
I did some housework and vacumed the house instead.  Ya me!

I had a really good text conversation with Lacy today too, which made me feel good.  So much less stress now.

End of Day:  another nice day... got a good bit done around the house.  Looking forward to tomorrow... going to take down the Christmas stuff and get me lounge back to 'normal'.
nite nite


  1. Please continue this great work and I look forward to more of your awesome blog posts.



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