Sunday 20 January 2013


If you know me at all... you will know I can't stand a mess in my house.
So having my garage all higgily piggily is doing my head it.
It's like torture.

I went down there yesterday afternoon full of resolve to try and sort it out, and get a space up and running so I can sew again.

ABOVE: while we did manage to put a lot of stuff in the container box, heaps was still left.  *sigh*
I started looking around for one of my UFO's... because I really want to get it finished this year.  It is the Dresden Plate blue/white quilt for our bed.  But I couldn't find it.

ABOVE:  I did find all the other UFO's, they are in those cute boxes.  Now I am left wondering... did the Dresden Plate quilt go into storage? Or is it somewhere amongst all that shit?  Well.. I started to look... and immediately got all hot and bothered... so I gave up.  Maybe on a day that is not quite so HOT I can have another look.  

***(a UFO means an = UnFinished Object, another way of saying it:  PHD = Project Half Done) 

Poor Stew has gone back to work.  He had a whole month off work... and is going back no more refreshed than he was 4 weeks ago.  SAD.

I bet he is going back to a veritable MOUNTAIN of work too.  I cannot even imagine how much work has piled up in his absence.  I might ring him later on and see how he is.

Meanwhile, I shall have another tentative look at that garage, maybe Brylee and Griffin can help me make some sense out of it.  I know it's only going to be temporary... but still... at least I will not feel so stressed out by the damn mess?


Dante is SMILING!!!  5 weeks old and he focuses on your face and smiles!  It's so darling.

Next cuteness:

 ABOVE:  a photo sent from The Owens ... Peppa @ 4 months... she's the pup on the RIGHT.... she's in bed with her buddy Molly.  She just had her first 'professional' groom.

ABOVE:  here we have POPPY (on the right) ... with her friend Misha, who is her half sister. 

Isn't it lovely how I am kept up to date with most of the pups!   I love seeing how they are doing.  Thanks girls.

I've done NOTHING so far today.  I woke with a thumping headache... so now I'm waiting for the panadol to kick in. 

ABOVE: I curled Brylee's hair this morning... she loves it.

ABOVE: Bex and the kids have been baking.  Banana flavoured Cake Pops are on the menu later on.  Yum.

ABOVE:  Yes LYNDA, I also love this.   

Busy day on the computer!  Been fielding emails from lawyer all afternoon.  Trying to get stuff sorted out before next 'stage' happens in relation to Keera's access visits.  *sigh*

Also had to pop out and get written quote for computer desk and send it off to AA Insurance.  This is going to be a long process.  Only heard from ONE building company so far... need two quotes for insurance work to proceed.

Dumm deeee doooo... still got me headache.  Blah.

I just took some new photos of Dante in the blue tin... can't wait to show tomorrow.  BIG difference!

Dinner tonight was chicken drumsticks baked in a Teriyake Marinade, seved over vegetarian fried rice with cripsy noodles.  Was lovely... and enough left overs for Stew and Steve for their lunches tomorrow.

End of Day:  a fairly quiet day in the end, which was nice.  Totally over all the flies and bugs we have at the moment.  Mosquitoes by the dozen too... and they really, really like me.
nite nite.


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