Friday 4 January 2013



ABOVE: We  have 19 freakin Nerf 'guns' in the house!  You can't even walk down the hallway without having to dodge 'bullets'!
And GUESS who owns the most?????
I will tell ya later... after you guess... *smiles*
Now we will move on to something else...

ABOVE:  Dante 'enjoying' his bath last night! More often than not he actually loves it and goes to sleep in it.  Not last night though.
ABOVE: cuddles with his Mummy, getting over the trauma.... *smiles*

ABOVE:  I think he's a really cute baby boy... one thing is for sure, he can't be mistaken for a girl!

So... today.
I'm picking Miss Muppet up and taking her to spend 4.5 hours with her father.  It's starting to be a real annoyance, when what we all wanted to do today was go to the beach.
I'm hoping Stew and the others do go without me ... no point them staying home just because I have to be elsewhere.

Can you see the pictures now?
I'm sorry if you can't, I will have to work on the problem when I get home this afternoon ...

PHOTOS:  The only way I can put photos on my blog right now (and I have no idea WHY) is to transfer them to Picasa, then upload them from there to my blog.  The problem I had today was the 'albums' on Picasa were marked 'Private'... so I had to go and remark them 'Public on the Web'.
SO, has anyone else had to do the Picasa thing to get photos on your blog?

The access visit with Keera went very well.  She was a perfect angel... and Mike, Joyce and I played cards until the end of the visit, then dropped Keera off at Lacy's and came home.

NOW we are going to the beach for a swim and fish 'n' chips for dinner... on the beach.  Cool!

To 'whoever' this may apply to:  Never Bite The Hand That Feeds You... or drives fair across the city and has to sit for HOURS in a stranger's house, when it's the LAST thing I want to be doing on a gorgeous summer's day.

 ABOVE: I took this photo when there was a cloud passing over, believe me it was HOT on the beach!  Masses of people either end of the beach, but not too many where we were.

ABOVE:  these two were starving by the time we got to the beach, so they got some hot chips.  I had a few too... it was a very late 'brunch' for me.
Whoops.  Probably should not do that too often, I'd taken my Metformin on an empty stomach a few hours earlier.  Naughty.

 ABOVE: Mike had not been to a beach in a couple of years!  He had a quick swim, but found it a bit cold... what a silly la la!
I got in!  In all me clothes!  I didn't want to expose the bod on a public beach!

ABOVE:  darling wee baby girl, only just walking ... left to toddle in the water while her mother and friends hung around by their car, which was a good distance away.  If baby had fallen face first into the water the parent would not have gotten to her before she had taken in a lot of water!  We were not impressed.  One member of the public pulled her out of the water and was looking around for her parent.... and the mother just yelled "she's alright"!  Some people don't deserve to have babies.

The nerf guns:
Bex = 2
Brylee = 1
Griffin = 6
Steve = 10 !

Me and Stew = NONE.   ha ha ha!  As if I'd play with a toy gun!  I've got SLUG PISTOLS!  ha ha ha.

As we didn't have 'dinner' down by the sea, Stew's gone to get Chinese instead.  Yum Yum.

End of .... a bloody shitty day, with only a small amount of enjoyment thrown in at the end... being utterly truthful!
Over shit.
nite nite


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