Sunday 16 December 2012


BUT I got FLEAS!!!

OMG I'm sitting in the hospital, in the room just before Dante is born and I look at me leg... and there's this little black thing moving ... I say "Fuck, is that a flea?".... and Steve jumps up and looks, and just as he's about to nab it.. the little bugger jumps off!

It was a bloody flea!   I look at Deb (midwife) and she smiles and say's "YEP"!

Disgusting!   We have our babies in hospital and they can get bloody flea bites?  That is disgraceful.

Let's hope we can 'spring' Bex and Dante from there quickly.

Steve has the next couple of days off work, so I shall probably go up to the hospital to visit Bex and Dante at some point.  I think Steve is going to be dropped off at the hospital by Stew first thing this morning on his way to work.

I'm sure Steve is chaffing at the bit to see Bex and his son again.  I will update later on how Master Dante is doing....

Three photos taken in the space of 10 hours yesterday:

 ABOVE:  moments old....

 ABOVE:  One and a half hours old...

ABOVE:  9 hours old.

What a difference some time makes!  I'm so happy he's on the mend.  Really hoping he can come home soon.

Last night when I got home... Tess had made dinner for the whole family... Shephard's Pie, it was darn yum too.  It was so nice to sit down to a meal that I didn't have to cook... in me own home even!  *smiles*  Apparently she's cooking tonight too!
I could get used to this.
THAKS TESS, your cooking is much appreciated.

Today I hope to go out and get the 'Teddys' ... I always buy each of my Grandchildren a Teddy.  I've already been 'reminded' that I have not got Dante's Teddy's yet!  Impatient buggers!


CarolinaFromArgentina:  Hey Chick, you won the little baby weight competition, so can you enail me your address please?

ABOVE:  Steve just sent me this photo from the hospital.  Dante is doing so, so much better!  He just had a feed from Bex... so it looks like they have already got him breathing well!  So relieved, it's just so scary when such a tiny baby has trouble breathing! 

Just home from the hospital... took up some necessaries for Bex... and got to see and hold Dante.  He is doing extremely well... off the air, heart monitors etc.  He will still have the IV line in for his anti-biotics, but otherwise he is perfect.

 ABOVE:  still in NICU... but may be joining Bex up on the Post Natal ward later on today, all going well.
He is feeding well and can breath all on his own now... so happy.

I'm never likely to get back all the sleep I've lost over the past few days... but a NANA NAP is on the cards right NOW.... *smiles*...

ABOVE:  I nicked this photo off Lacy's Facebook .... it's KEERA'S feet!  How darn cute is that!

 ABOVE:  there are some benefits from having visitors... SOME of them actually cook the dinner... and this will be twice in a row!
Tonight we are getting corned beef and roast veges, cauliflower & broccoli in a cheese sauce and for dessert we have a Chocolate Self Saucing pudding!   OMG I can't wait!  lol

ABOVE: sweet wee Bodhi... he cut his very first tooth while we were caring for him... Tess was so not impressed...  OH and he rolled over for the first time too... on our shift.  hee hee.
Now he is totally off the breast too cos he keeps biting Tess and laughing at her!  Little bugger.

Dante is up on the Post Natal Ward with his Mum and Dad.  He's basically all better... his oxygen stats are normal, he's feeding well ... he can come home soon!  AND Bex is very happy, Dante has A Negative Blood like her, so she doesn't have to get the Anti-D injection!

ABOVE:  Bex just sent me this photo... the New Daddy is knackered.  *smiles*

*** PEPSI UPDATED *** PEPSI UPDATED *** PEPSI UPDATED *** and now edited too.

End of Day:  another long day... just so very happy that our wee Dante is doing so well. 
nite nite


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