Monday, 19 September 2011


I am worried... I could have tried much harder this week.  I didn't change too much, and therefore I am probably not going to do that well.
I expect this:
I still need to work on changing the bad habits that came back.
Work on changing FOR GOOD.
Getting off the yo-yo dieting, merry go round.

I will.  I know I will.  And as long as it keeps bugging the shit out of me, I have to keep trying.

After weighing in at Weight Watchers, I'm meeting Beastie Girl for lunch again.  That's something nice to look forward to.

ABOVE:  two super cute photos of Chico.... after her bath.  Jackie in Rotorua is going to be Chico's new Mum from next Wednesday!  OMG, that is not far away now. 
I better start toughening up!

I think Coco has finally stopped nursing the pups.  How do I know this?

Because for the past two days the pups have been waking up at around 6.30 and howling!
I drag myself out of bed and make their breakfast (puppy pellets soaked in hot water), you should see them hoe into the food now!
I was concerned before that Coco would still be nursing them when they left home!  Not any more.

HAND ON ME HEART... for the first time EVER I can say I was stunned with my weigh in !!!

  ***  I   LOST   3.5   FRIGGIN   KILOS   !!!!! ***

I really don't know how that happened?
Maybe I was subconsciously watching portions?  Cos I sure in hell wasn't THAT good!

Bloody hell, imagine what I can do if I really put my mind to it!   Well... we will see next week!

End of day:  there is no rest for the wicked.  I must be VERY wicked.
More on that tomorrow.
nite nite.


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